Main fabric: 78x78cm(31x31in)
Backing fabric: 78x78cm (31x31in)
Zip: 70cm(28in)
Cushion pad: 76x76cm(30x30in)
Matching sewing thread
Basic sewing kit
Wool for the pom poms
Clover pom pom maker: 85mm (33⁄8in).
Main fabric: Quarter Dot
Pearlised, Glitz. Ref: MC3744-GLIT-D;
Quarter Dot Pearlised,Mist. Ref:
MC3744-MIST-D; Quarter Dot
Pearlised, Blush. Ref: MC3744-BLUS-D.
Backing fabric: Cotton Couture, Mist.
Ref: SC5333-MIST-D; Cotton Couture,
Blush. Ref: SC5333-BLUS-D; Cotton
Couture, Glitz. Ref: SC5333-BWHT-D.
The finished floor cushion cover
measures 75x75cm (29½x29½in).
Use a 1.5cm (5⁄8in) seam allowance.
Step one: To strengthen your floor cushion cover you may wish to line it. To do this, cut two pieces of curtain lining or similar to 78x78cm(31x31in) and pin to the wrong side (WS) of the main and backing fabric before you begin making the cushion cover.
Step two: Insert the zip between the back and front cushion fabric pieces. Place them right sides (RS) together and stitch 3cm(1¼in) from each edge using a 1.5cm(5⁄8in) seam allowance to make your side seams. 01
Step three: Using your longest machine stitch, stitch between these two lines.We have stitched
ours using a pink thread so it is visible, but you could use the same thread as you have used for
the side seams. It will be removed later. 02
Step four: Press the seam open and lay both pieces RS down. Pin the zip RS down on top of this,making sure the teeth run centrally down the central seam. The zip pull should sit 2mm (1⁄16in) below the end of the side seam so that the zip tape above it is on top of the side seam. The other end of the zip should extend beyond the other side seam. Pin into place. 03
Step five: Stitch the zip into place, starting at the closed end. When you reach the zip pull, raise
your machine foot but keep the needle in the fabric. Slide the zip pull down a little, continue
stitching, then pull the zip pull back and continue stitching back to the closed end. In this
way, you will have an eat row of machine stitching without a break in the stitches. 04
Step six: Remove the long machine stitches you worked between the side seams, and you will
have a neatly inserted zip.
Step one: Place the front and back RS together, making sure the zip is undone a little way. Stitch
together along the three sides without the zip.
Step two: Press the seams open, clip the corners, then turn the cushion cover RS out and press.
Step three: Make a few pom poms using coordinating colours of wool. Sew one to each corner using the wool which you have tied your pom pom up with to keep it secure.We used a pom pom maker to make ours, but you could use two circles of cardboard instead.
Step four: Put the floor cushion pad inside the cover, close the zip and you’re done!