Main fabric: 135x112cm (53x44in)
Appliqué fabrics: 30x45cm(12x18in) each, four different fabrics
Curtain lining: 135x112cm (53x44in),
see instructions for details
Bondaweb: 120x44cm (48x112in)
High density foam: 40x40x40cm(16x16x16in)
Basic sewing kit
The fabrics used are from Coastline
Use a 1.5cm seam allowance.
You will find the fish template on
the pull-out pattern sheet provided
with this issue.
Step one: Cut the main fabric into six pieces, each measuring 43x43cm (17x17in).
Step two: If you are using a dress-weight fabric as we did, you will need to line it with curtain lining to give it weight and strength. If you use a curtain-weight fabric then you won’t need to do this. If you’re using curtain lining, cut it into six pieces, each measuring 43x43cm (17x17in).
Step three: Place one piece of main fabric wrong sides (WS) together with one piece of curtain lining then tack together all the way around the edge. Repeat this with the other five pieces of main and curtain lining.
Step one: Trace the fish template from the pull-out pattern sheet.
Step two: Place the Bondaweb paper-side up on top of the fish template and draw around it 16 times, leaving a gap of at least 1cm between each fish.
Step three: Cut roughly around each traced fish about 5mm outside the drawn lines.
Step four: Place four fish paper-side up on the WS of each fabric and press them firmly into place using a medium iron. 01
Step five: Cut each of the fish out carefully along the drawn lines then remove the paper backing. You will now have 16 fish ready to appliqué onto your main fabric.
Step one: Take one fish of each different fabric and place them nose to tail as shown in the photograph. Make sure they are placed centrally and are evenly spaced.
Step two: Once you are happy with the arrangement carefully press them to hold them in place.
Step three: Using a machine zigzag stitch, sew around each of the fish shapes to secure them in place. 02
Step four: Repeat this process to appliqué four fish on three more fabric squares so that all the sides of the cube will be appliquéd. We have the left the top and bottom of the cube plain.
Step one: Take one appliquéd square and place it right sides (RS) together with another appliquéd square. Start stitching 1.5cm from the top edge to make joining the top piece on easier, then stitch down the side.
Step two: Repeat this to join the other two appliquéd squares onto these first two to make a continuous loop.
Step one: Take one square for the top and place one side RS together with the top edge of one of the appliquéd squares, matching corners. Stitch together all the way around, pivoting your needle at each corner. 03
Step two: Take the last square for the base and stitch it RS together to the bottom of one of the appliquéd squares.
Step three: Turn the other three sides of the base square under by 1.5cm to the WS and tack into place. Repeat to turn under and tack the bottom edge of all four appliquéd side squares.
Step four: Put the foam inside your fabric cube then pin the tacked edges of the base square to the side squares all the way around.
Step five: Slip stitch the edges together, making sure you keep the stitches small and neat so they are strong and can’t be seen. 04