Tuesday, July 19, 2016

How To Have a Doorstop Beautiful

Main fabric: 30x112cm (12x44in)
Roof fabric: 25x35cm (10x14in)
Door fabric: 15x8cm (6x3in)
Lifebelt and bunting fabrics:
small scraps
Bondaweb, 20x20cm (8x8in)
2oz wadding: 15x35cm (6x14in)
Soft toy stuffing
Play sand and thick plastic bag
Wooden button
Rope: white, 30cm (12in)
Twine, scrap
Basic sewing kit

The fabrics used are from Coastline

Use a 1cm (3/8in) seam allowance.
You will find the template for the
beach hut on the pull out pattern
sheet provided with this issue.

Step one Trace the outer line of the template and cut it out to make a pattern. The solid lines are cutting lines and the dotted lines are stitching lines.
Step two Cut the main fabric into the
following pieces:
Roof inner: cut two,10x14cm
Front and back: cut two from pattern.
Sides: cut two 17x14cm
Base: 14x14cm
Step three Cut the roof fabric into the
following pieces:
Roof: cut four, 12x16cm

Step one: Place the Bondaweb paper-side up over the template and trace around the door, window and life belt.
Step two: Cut the shapes out roughly outside the drawn line then place the door and window paper side up onto the wrong side (WS) of the door fabric. Cut them out along  the drawn lines. The door shape extends below the stitching line as you sew over it later when you assemble the beach hut. Cut it out roughly outside the traced line.
Step three: Press the lifebelt to the lifebelt scrap of fabric and cut it out.
Step four: Trace the bunting triangles onto the paper side of the Bondaweb. You’ll need to trace all seven for the front of the hut but if you want to add bunting around the sides and back of your beach hut then trace another three sets of seven. Press onto a variety of fabric scraps and cut them out.

Step one: Remove the paper backing from each of the decorations.
Step two: Referring to the template for placement, place the door and window onto the beach hut front fabric and press.
Step three: Stitch the door and window in place by working contrasting zigzag around
the edge. 01
Step four: Press and topstitch the lifebelt on to the door.
Step five: Stitch the button onto the front of the door for the handle. 02
Step six: Draw the curved line for the bunting rope onto your fabric by copying the pattern. Press and stitch each triangle of bunting in place then zigzag stitch some twine across the top of it, following the curved line. If you want to attach bunting all the way around the beach hut, repeat this around the side and back pieces. You’ll need 20cm (8in) of twine for each side of bunting. 03

Step one: Place the front fabric RS together with one of the sides and stitch together down the side.
Step two: Join the other side piece to the other side of the front piece right sides (RS) together then join the back piece between the two sides in the same way. 04
Step three: Place the two roof inner pieces RS together. Fold the rope in half then slip the raw ends between the two roof pieces in the centre along the longer edge. Stitch together, sandwiching the rope between the roof pieces. Work an extra row of stitching through the rope to hold it securely. Press the
seam open. 05
Step four: Place the joined roof pieces RS together with the top edges of the joined front, sides and back and stitch together all the way around, matching the corners with the side seams. 06
Step five: Place the base piece RS together with the joined front, sides and back and stitch together around the front and two sides, leaving the back unstitched.
Step six: Turn the beach hut RS out and turn under the unstitched edge of the back and base by 1cm to the WS. Tack into place.

Step one: Fill the roof section of the beach hut with soft toy stuffing then place the plastic bag inside the beach hut and fill with sand. Tie the bag tightly closed so the sand can’t escape and tuck the knot inside the bag.
Step two: Pin the tacked side and base together and slip stitch to close.

Step one: Place two roof pieces RS together with one piece of wadding on top.
Step two: Stitch together all the way around leaving a turning gap in the centre of one of the sides.
Step three: Turn RS out, turn the edges of the turning gap to the inside and slip stitch closed. Stitch three horizontal lines spaced evenly apart through all layers along the length, for decoration.
Step four: Repeat to make the other side of the roof in the same way. 07
Step five: Place the two roof pieces on top of the beach hut so they are placed centrally and the rope handle is in the centre. Hand stitch the roof pieces together in the centre, either side of the handle. titch the roof to the top of the beach hut all the way around using small invisible stitches. 08
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